Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Thing #1

The habit I feel will be the most challenging for me, and is why I'm taking this class, is using technology to my advantage. I tend to jump in and go at it, but get sidetracked, a lot! I can spend hours exploring, resulting in several tabs or links being opened. My goal is to find the end of the Internet.

A habit I think will be easiest or a challenge, depending on how you look at it, is the playing. I have no problem with playing around. As I mentioned above I can get sidetracked changing, searching, or trying to figure things out. This is most true when I'm on the computer. I've left typing this blog three times to look up stuff.

Using technology to my advantage is definitely the most important habit for me. I want to learn as much about 23 things as possible. Being able to use this technology in my everyday life and in my teaching can only make everything more interesting and fun. I want to be knowledgable enough to share what I will learn with others.

1 comment:

  1. Getting sidetracked is part of the playing. If it really bothers you, though, here's a little tip someone once gave me. Write what you are supposed to be doing on a post-it note and stick it to your monitor. Then when you find yourself off on one of those tangents, it will be easier to remember where you were going in the first place and come back to it. Don't be too hard on yourself, though. There are some great resources that have been found serendipitously!
