Monday, June 29, 2009

Thing #7a

First, I keep adding to my Google Reader. I found a blog written by a librarian and her first year, which linked me to a blog by another librarian, which linked me to yet another librarian blog and so on and so on. Hours spent reading! Of course I had to subscribe to most of them. The one I found today that was interesting was from a blog titled Hey Jude. She had written about a site that offered videos that had been screened by teachers and covered most subjects. neoK12 was the video site. Pretty cool!


  1. Hey Jude is a pretty well-known librarian blog that features a lot on technology. I think you will enjoy reading it!

  2. It looks like I need to do some checking out of more sites (after the rest of my Things). You are so far ahead of where I was this time last year. Keep on truckin!
