Saturday, June 27, 2009

Thing #11

This collage of my nieces was created using Mosaic Maker. I wish I had more portraits of them to use. My sister enjoyed it though. I also rotated the pictures so they would all be the same but I noticed that one didn't appear as I had it saved. Hmm! I will work
on that. I could use this for a posting of students work or them in working on a project.

The picture depicts how I felt before I started this class and sometimes during the class. I made this using Famous People's Custom Quotes on Comic Strip Generator. I shared this with my son and know he has made several for himself. This would be fun to use as a motivator. Create cartoons with the kids favortie characters giving them directions.

I tried creating at least one thing using the others so I could get the practice. The sign at the top of my blog and the heart on the side were created using Image Chef. I am still working on using Spell with Flickr. I will figure it out! I know when I figure out Flickr I will have hundreds of ideas for its use!!!


  1. You certainly aren't alone wen you ask "How do I do this?" That feeling has been with me all the way. Even so there are beginning to be glimpses of light at the end of the tunnel! Keep on shining.

  2. You're doing great! I'm impressed with your persistence and drive to figure these things out. That is a quality that will serve you well in the web 2.0 world!
